112 Main Street, Suite 6, New Canaan CT 06840

Environmental Concerns

Contact Your Representatives!

Input your Name and Town to email the below Petition to your legislators

Dear State Senators and State Representatives,

I am requesting your support in exempting towns with over seventy percent watershed land from the application of CT Statute 8-30g. This enables developers proposing development in watersheds to sue reservoir towns if their proposal is denied.

CALL TO ACTION: Housing Committee: Convert Senator Hwang’s “bill concept” into a bill, exempting towns with more than 70% watershed land from CT Statute 8-30g, and schedule a hearing. This bipartisan effort is vital for protecting water resources concentrated in reservoir towns. Other Committees: Express your support by contacting members of the Housing Committee, especially Chairman Marilyn Moore @ marilyn.moore@cga.ct.gov.

The risks are evident, with examples like the proposed high-density development in Ledyard threatening water contamination. This underscores the urgency of amending 8-30g to safeguard public health and the environment.

Thank you for your service to our State.

Sincerely, Connecticut Resident